Online training | Diversity Works New Zealand

When:  Oct 30, 2024 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (NZST)

Online Instructions:
Login: Meeting ID: 822 9484 0037 | Passcode: 448643

Oct 30, 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (NZST)

For the first time in history, our organisations are catering to six generations in the workplace. Many of the youngest members of the Silent Generation are continuing to work into their 80s, often in key leadership roles, while teenagers from the emerging Generation Alpha are seeking their first after-school and holiday jobs. In between, we have the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials (Generation Y), and Generation Z. 

In our October webinar, we’ll explore the latest research on age and generational dynamics in the workplace. We will examine the differences between viewing our workforce through a generational lens versus a life-stage lens and consider the question: does age still matter?

Our panel will discuss effective strategies for fostering healthy, inclusive teams that encompass all ages.

Diversity Sessions are interactive online conversations designed to deepen our understanding of inclusion issues affecting our organisations and our people.

Join us for valuable insights into maximising the benefits of a multigenerational workforce while addressing the challenges it presents.

Event Details
Date: Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Time: 2pm-3pm
Venue: Online
Investment: Member Free; Non-Member $25+GST per person

Please note: To be able to book this workshop/event at member pricing, each individual of a member organisation who wants to attend must be a contact in our database. If you are unsure if we have you listed as a contact for your organisation please email We will check your details and add you to our database. If you are booking for others in your organisation, please send their details (name, job title, email address and phone number) and we will add them to database before you start your booking. We will then let you know when you can start your booking.

registration type


Pricing Information

Registration Price
Member $0.00
Non-member $28.75

When payment is made prices are displayed as GST inclusive and in NZ Dollars.

Cancellations and Refunds: Please send an email to Diversity Works New Zealand at at least five working days before the event start date to receive a full refund/credit.

If you wish to cancel your registration at the Diversity Awards event please contact Diversity Works NZ on at least 10 working days before the event to receive a full refund.

No refund or credit will be given for cancellations made after this time or for non-attendance at the event. 

Event terms and conditions and privacy policy